Please click the links on left under “Bookstore” for available ebooks for purchase. Synopsis and sample reads provided.

Currently available through Amazon or Smashwords:

Tear in TimeSurgeon travels back in time to the Civil War.

Tomb of Atlantis – 7000 year old secrets to Atlantis, uncovered

Curse of Atlantis – The search continues. Four race against time to discovery Atlantis

Secret Kinship – An epic tale where the past and the present collide

Endless SummerFamily on vacation experiences the supernatural.

What in Hell is up with Heaven? No rest for the wicked… – A humorous tale. Satan turns Heaven upside down.

Hidden CourageOne mans flies to Peru and climbs alone.

28 Responses

  1. Just finished the book Year In Time. Thoroughly enjoyed it. For a time travel book, quite unique as “technical jargon” wasn’t part of the story.
    Not to dwell on details, and it may only be the Kindle version. Earlier in the book David showed Doc a $20 bill, whereas at the end he pulled out a $5 bill. I had to go back and see if I read it wrong, but I didn’t.

  2. Just read chapter one of Tear In Time.

    Now to go follow you back on Twitter (actually it will be Sena Quaren, the “co-author” of my book who’s also one of the characters 🙂

    Then, add you to my Blogroll:

  3. Just finished What in Hell is up with Heaven and had to write to tell you how much I have enjoyed this book! I really got a good laugh out of it! Thanks for such an interesting and funny book.

  4. With regards to the comment over the money. Why would he have only one bill on his person? He could have had a $20 and $5 bill with him and chose to show one to the Doc and keep one in his pocket that was carried forward in time.

    • Hi Geoff,

      Unfortunately, it appears you read an older version where I confused the two bills. An earlier reader informed me of the error and I immediately corrected the story to read only one bill was on the young doctor’s person at the time of time travel: a twenty dollar bill.

      Sorry for the confusion. I wish Amazon could somehow update all copies of my book as soon as I upload new revisions. Unfortunately, it appears (from what I’ve heard), you have to request updates in order to receive them after a purchase – bummer.

      • Oh well, so much for protecting the author ;-).

        I must say Tear in Time was a terrific read and I’ve written a review on to that effect.

        Thank you for a great book.

  5. […] With my new discovery in self-publishing, I have become focused and more determined to produce far greater works. Further adventure/suspense novels are soon to be released. For long excerpts of my work, please visit me at my website: […]

  6. Hello, I just finished A Tear in Time. I’m somewhat of a time-travel story buff and let me tell you that book was RIGHT ON! Very believable, great plot, and accurate historical references. Please write another one. ( I’ve always wanted to read one about a woman Karote expert getting transported into an Indian tribe.) Anyway thank you for the great read. Believe it or not, I am a middle-aged preschool teacher.

    • Hi Marsha, thanks SO much for those kind words. I’m so glad you enjoyed the story. I do indeed plan on writing a sequel to it, right after I finish the current book I’m working on (so much to write, so little time).

      I love your idea for a sequel. It’s right up my alley. I was actually considering something similar to that very concept (along with a few other ideas as well). Hopefully by the time I’m ready to write, I’ll have the storyline nailed down – LOL.

      Preschool teacher… Such a great age group to be teaching. I’d give anything to to turn back time to when my kids were that age. : )

  7. Thanks loads for the Tear in time experience . I enjoyed it very much. You brought me some hours of great pleasure, regards, mitch

  8. Absolutely LOVED “Tear in Time”! I’m looking forward to the book you are working on whereby the plot involves the discovery of an ancient artifact. Sounds thrilling!

  9. Christopher please forgive the lack of proper capitalization I am writing from a mobile device. I just finished tear in time. I could not put it down. Is there any more to the story? I hated to see it end. Dr. Morgan was a wonderful character. Thank you-ken Broadway

    • Hi Ken, thanks so much for the kind words. You can’t know what they mean to me. I live for praise – lol.

      As for Tear in Time (the sequel), the first book is a hard act to follow, so I’m taking my time trying to come up with a good storyline. I have something that I believe might come close, but haven’t worked out the details yet. I just finished 3 new books and am looking for another to write, so I’m thinking about focusing all my energy on Tear in Time’s sequel instead of some other concept. If I do write the sequel, I’ll be sure to send you a copy (free of charge, of course). Thanks again for writing,

  10. Tear in Time was spellbinding. I’ve always had an interest in time travel, starting with “The Time Machine” by H.G. Wells, back when I was a teen in the ’50s. Stories like this one, with fact mixed with fantasy, are right up my alley. Thanks for the book. It far exceeded my expectations. Now – to start the Atlantis series…………

  11. Hi chris
    I loved this book write more like it.

  12. I could hardly put the book down. I really like it. great human interest story as a bit of a civil war buff I really like the guns parts also. I do have a 1860 colt replica

  13. I finished the Atlantis series. It was so interesting. Some thoughts though…

    1. The US coast guard wouldn’t be doing a rescue off the Turks and Caicos islands as they are British dependencies.

    2. The IRS cannot threaten Javier aristos because he is not a us citizen but a British subject. They can threaten jack Roberts of course.

    • Hey Bruce. Thanks for pointing out those two “issues”. To be honest, they never occurred to me. Now, what to do about them…

      • I don’t know what to do about the coast gipuard, perhaps there is a British equivalent… As to Mr. Javier Aristos, the IRS can threaten him if he were a US citizen living outside the USA. perhaps just a sidenote somewhere mentioning his nationality would clarify.

        Thanks and I really loved all 4 Atlantis books and Tear in Time. I intend to read Prisoner in time next.

        Are there going to be any further Atlantis novels?

        Thanks again.

  14. Gipuard should have been guard… iPad you know…

  15. I just finished “Prisoner of Time”. It was spellbinding and I couldn’t put it down. About midway through I gipuessed the identity of Dr. X. (I was right ).

    I can’t wait for the next sequel and if there’s another volume in the 4 novels of the Atlantis series.

    Which of your novels would you recommend I read next… I’m into time travel, Atlantis stuff, and historical novels.

    Thanks really enjoyed.

  16. WOW! What a compliment. I’m SO THRILLED you enjoy my books. You’re the reason I keep writing. So inspirational. Thank you!

    If I had know you were going to read my time travel books, I would have directed you to the first one in the series: “Tear in Time” (“Prisoner in Time” is the sequel). Even reading the 2nd book first, I still think you’ll enjoy “Tear in Time”. It has the same suspenseful element about it that’s in “Prisoner”. Most that have read it, really liked it.

    As for future books (sorry I hadn’t responded to your early inquiry), I am in fact writing book 3 of my time travel series. I’m about halfway through it… and so far, I think it’s pretty exciting. I expect to release it in about 2 months.

    After I finish book 3 of the time travel series, I’ll be writing the next book in my Atlantis series (book 5). The concept is nearly set, just working out the details. That one should be released in about 5 month (3 months after book 3 of time travel).

    If you send me your email, I’ll make sure I send you a copy as soon as I’m done (free, of course). Here’s my email:

    Again, thanks so much for the wonderful compliments.

    Happy Reading,


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